Sat. Jan 18th, 2025

Performance: Judas Priestess at Catch One

“Breaking the Law” with Female Cover band Judas Priestess

Catching One Hell of a Show was what I expected on Thursday night at Catch One in Los Angeles. Listening to Pantera as a lad, I was excited about, and previously heard, San Diego based Cow Girls from Hell. They provided the crowd “A New Level of Confidence and Power.” With Dimebash coming up in a week and a half, it seemed like the right kind of tribute.

Cow Girls from Hell (CGH) channeled the slow riffs and speedy solos of Dimebag Darrell with the vocal power of Phil Anselmo. They had no choice but to the bring the power, because at midnight it was Lead Singer Samantha Hatano’s birthday! Guitarist Rose Deocampo hammered on the Jackson frets breaking into the wild solos are hair flew and lyrics belted.

Yes, it was an incredible Thursday night at Catch One in Los Angeles, though, female UFO cover band 2Hot2Handle ran into some difficulty and did not end up taking the stage. That resulted in a lot of waiting for the headliners to take stage. That, of course, resulted in fuqt photographer Anthony Mehlhaff buying his daughter way too much merch, including this Pyscho Foam Hand!!

Merchandise from Show Promoter, Psycho. Photo: P.J. Fugatze

Next up was what turned out to be the Bad Assest Bitches from New York Judas Priestess.

Finally, the moment arrived for Judas Priestess to take the stage. Despite the delay, these girls had an amazing stage presence. Starting off with backs turned to the audience, they came to life in a smash. They could chop out riffs and licks like nobody’s business. Los Angeles drummer Lindsay Martin came on for the assist, and she smashed the kit to hell and back.
Militia Vox, vocals for Judas Priestess, simply commanded the crowd as though they were her minions and her moves were some of the best out there.

Militia Vox of Judas Priestess. Photo: Anthony Mehlhaff

There was no shortage of flying hair, amazing poses, and grimaced faces.

There was no denying Judas Priestess came from the East Coast to put on a show and make sure that they left Los Angeles in a fiery wake.

Catch these Badass Bitches next time they fly their bewitched Harleys through your neighborhood.

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